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REVE Chat Unveils Advanced Chatbots Features to Help Businesses Deliver Personalization at Scale

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REVE Chat, branded as the best live chat and customer engagement software, relaunches the chatbot platform with potential features that make it more intelligent and conversational. With the power to understand user intent and sentiment, the bot will add stars to the user experience.

Businesses are increasingly leveraging chatbots to improve customer communication. However, most of the brands that deployed bots couldn’t deliver an excellent user experience. The newly added features will make the bot intelligent to figure out the actual context of user inputs and provide relevant responses that will improve bot performance.

REVE Chat’s chatbot solution is ideal for enterprises, where they can build bots via visual builder and any kind of customization can be done based on business needs. Small businesses can also introduce bots to their business by using chatbot templates that require zero coding and manage conversations in a hassle-free manner. The industries that will be reaping great benefits from the platform are financial institutions, eCommerce & retail, health & insurance, telecom, customer support, education, travel, real estate etc.

“We see the huge demand for using AI and chatbots in this new normal, post-pandemic – to automate customer support and lead generation by most of the customers we work with. With chatbots, brands can deliver real-time assistance and reduce the support cost while improving the overall customer experience,” says M. Rezaul Hassan, Group CEO at REVE Chat.

The fallback options pop up when the bot fails to identify the user’s input giving multiple options. The Bulk Machine Learning (ML) Training allows training the chatbot with FAQs to deliver faster answers that improve the overall accuracy. Further, the unstructured data can be sanitized to deliver accurate responses and boost user experience. Also, all the conversations can be analyzed with bot analytics to evaluate chatbot performance.

PublicGold from Malaysia, Canadian Hearing Institute from Canada, Coolwinks from India, Bangladesh’s LankaBangla Finance, have already been using REVE Chatbot to serve their customers. REVE Chat has large enterprise customers across 30 countries, including Commercial Bank of Kuwait, Telecom Network Malawi, South America’s leading private transportation company ‘Beat’ to name a few. Some of the leading brands in Bangladesh such as GrameenPhone, Southeast Bank,, and Transcom are using REVE Chat successfully to engage with their customers.

REVE Chat also offers a complete suite of live engagement tools with co-browsing & video chat to deliver faster resolutions via personalized conversations. REVE Chat helps to engage customers seamlessly over their preferred channels to deliver a consistent messaging experience.

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