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Tag: REVE Chat Unveils Advanced Chatbots Features to Help Businesses Deliver Personalization at Scale

REVE Chat Unveils Advanced Chatbots Features to Help Businesses Deliver Personalization at Scale

REVE Chat Unveils Advanced Chatbots Features to Help Businesses Deliver Personalization at Scale

Breaking News, Technology
REVE Chat, branded as the best live chat and customer engagement software, relaunches the chatbot platform with potential features that make it more intelligent and conversational. With the power to understand user intent and sentiment, the bot will add stars to the user experience. Businesses are increasingly leveraging chatbots to improve customer communication. However, most of the brands that deployed bots couldn’t deliver an excellent user experience. The newly added features will make the bot intelligent to figure out the actual context of user inputs and provide relevant responses that will improve bot performance. REVE Chat’s chatbot solution is ideal for enterprises, where they can build bots via visual builder and any kind of customization can be done based on business ...