Saturday, February 8Dedicate to Right News

Praava Health Provides Free Medical and Dental Care to Underprivileged Students of Chakar School

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Praava Health, Bangladesh’s fastest-growing healthcare brand, today completed its free “Health Camp” for the students of Chakar School (The School on the Wheel), an innovative digital mobile school that works with underprivileged children and other disadvantaged students. Thirty one children who ordinarily have little regular access to health services were examined in early September by Praava Health doctors, nurses and other medical practitioners, who provided free medical and dental care. These included Praava Health’s Pediatrician, Dr. Laila K Nurun Nahar, MBBS, DCH, and Praava Health’s Dentistry Consultant, Dr. Lubna Sharmin, BDS, PGT.

Today’s visit included follow-up examinations with the children who required further pathological and imaging tests, as well as medicines. A ceremony also took place during this visit, with Ms. Fatima Rasul Munira, Deputy Manager, Admin & HR of Chakar School, IHF; Mr. Mahin Hossain, Communication Officer of Chakar School, IHF. Chakar School awarded a Certificate of Appreciation to Dr. Simeen M. Akhtar, Chief Medical Officer of Praava Health. Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Laboratory Director of Praava Health; Mr. Kutub Uddin Kamal, Communications Lead of Praava Health; Mr. Sameer Rafique, Marketing Manager of Praava Health; Mr. Abu Hanif Tony, Junior Officer, Marketing and Business Development of Praava Health were also present during the ceremony.

Dr. Simeen Akhtar noted, “Praava Health believes that everyone should have access to convenient, affordable, and high-quality care. As a part of our commitment to community outreach and corporate social responsibility, Praava is committed to providing health care support to those who need it the most. We feel privileged to have been able to work with these children and give back to this community, particularly when attention to best health practices remains so crucial during the COVID pandemic.”

During the health camp earlier in September, Dr. Lubna and Dr. Laila conducted two sessions for the children of Chakar School. In her “Caring for your Teeth” session, Dr. Sharmin noted, “Children should avoid having chocolate, candy, chewing gum, and betel nuts to ensure good dental health. I would also encourage parents to not provide tiffin money to students but rather to provide them with home-cooked food for school.”

Pediatrician Dr. Laila K Nurun Nahar conducted a session on “Healthy Lifestyles” in the health camp. Dr. Nahar focused on nutritious food for growth and development as well as disease prevention. She also emphasized the necessity of hand hygiene, not only during this pandemic but also in our daily lives.

In an effort to help the school maintain strong hygiene practices and help students with minor injuries, Praava Health also provided free disinfectant liquid and a first aid box to the school.

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