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Green University holds International Conference on STI 4.0

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A two-day 3rd International conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2021) has begun on Saturday (18 December) at the Permanent Campus of Green University of Bangladesh (GUB) in Purbachal American City. GUBs Faculty of Science and Engineering organized the international conference with a view to get ready for facing challenges of fourth industrial revolution.
University Grants Commission (UGC) member Professor Dr. Muhammed Alamgir inaugurated the programme as the chief guest while GUB Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Md Golam Samdani Fakir, Advisor Prof Dr. Md Abdur Razzaque, Dean Prof Dr. Md Saiful Azad were present as patron, general chair and organizing chair of the conference respectively.
GUB Pro-VC Prof. Dr. Md Abdur Razzaque delivered welcome address while Dr. Sajal K. Das IEEE fellow and Professor of Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA; Dr. Amit K. GUPTA IEEE Fellow and Head of Rolls-Royce Electrical, Singapore; Tapan Saha, IEEE Fellow and Professor University of Queensland presented as keynote speaker.
In conference, Professor Dr. Muhammed Alamgir discussed on the strategies to face the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution and making bridge between the industry and academia. He said, the fourth industrial revolution is a challenge for us. So, we want to turn the challenge into possibility through adopting modern technologies in education system.
GUB VC Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir said, the main goal of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is that it has the potential to increase the earnings and to raise the standard of living. Thus, through creation of advanced technologies are may produce new products and can ensure better services that can facilitate and accommodate our personal and professional lives.
General Chair of the Conference and Advisor of GUB Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque said, STI-2021 is the first conference in Southeast Asia on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0. In addition, it is the most comprehensive technical conference in the country focusing on Industry 4.0 and its applications at home and abroad.
He mentioned the conference as the inspiration for the researchers and practitionars to create technologies for Industry 4.0 and the future; putting an eye on uplifting the Digital Bangladesh slogan, visioned by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
At the conference, the researchers, industry professionals and practitioners displayed their scientific achievements and sustainable innovative industrial developments in the fields of computer science & engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, textile engineering, robotics and cyber-physical systems that are entering into Industry 4.0.

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