Friday, February 14Dedicate to Right News

Daraz participates in skill development training

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Daraz recently participated in Access Bangladesh Foundation’s skill development training event, organized to promote the inclusion of women entrepreneurs with disabilities in e-commerce platforms. The event was held in association with American Embassy’s EMK Centre recently. 50 differently-abled women entrepreneurs were selected from the country’s 17 districts across seven divisions for the training event in two three-day long batches.
During the event, Attendees from Daraz Bangladesh Limited were Ahsan Jamil- Senior Manager, CSR and Sustainable Development; Mashiur Rahman- Senior Executive; CSR and Sustainable Development and Ebrahim Khalil Dhali – Executive Acquisition. Along with them, a2i’s Young Professional Iffat Jahan Pithia and WE’s Dr. Salma Parvin, Working Committee Director, presented their extensive ideas on how to include women entrepreneurs with disability within Daraz, ekShop and WE.
The opening ceremony for the first batch of training was held in the presence of Professor Imran Rahman, Vice-Chancellor and the Dean, ULAB School of Business, as the Chief Guest, and Shaheen Anam, Director, Manusher Jonno Foundation, as Special Guest.
The opening ceremony of the second batch of training was attended by Manik Mahmud, Head of Social Innovation and Operation Cluster, a2i, as Chief Guest; Nasima Aktar Nisha, Founder and President, WE, as the Special Guest, and Nazrana Yesmin Hira, Program Coordinator, Manusher Jonno foundation.
On that occasion, Senior Manager of Daraz Bangladesh’s CSR & sustainability department, Ahsan Jamil- said “ Daraz has always believed in progressing along with the community. We are proud to be a part of this prompt initiative. 50 women from across the country were trained to utilize our platform, survive in this highly competitive e-commerce business and sustain in the e-commerce ecosystem. We, along with our partners, are hopeful that this will bring forth opportunities for not only these women but every differently-abled individual who has the drive to be self-dependent and plan to expand this initiative further. It’s been an absolute delight to be an integral part of this project. We will definitely be participating in amazing initiatives like this in the future.

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