Sunday, January 19Dedicate to Right News

Tag: Daraz participates in skill development training

Daraz participates in skill development training

Daraz participates in skill development training

Breaking News, Business
Daraz recently participated in Access Bangladesh Foundation’s skill development training event, organized to promote the inclusion of women entrepreneurs with disabilities in e-commerce platforms. The event was held in association with American Embassy’s EMK Centre recently. 50 differently-abled women entrepreneurs were selected from the country’s 17 districts across seven divisions for the training event in two three-day long batches. During the event, Attendees from Daraz Bangladesh Limited were Ahsan Jamil- Senior Manager, CSR and Sustainable Development; Mashiur Rahman- Senior Executive; CSR and Sustainable Development and Ebrahim Khalil Dhali - Executive Acquisition. Along with them, a2i’s Young Professional Iffat Jahan Pithia and WE’s Dr. Salma Parvin, Working Committee Director, pr...