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BIAC signs MoU with A.S & Associates for resolving Commercial Dispute through ADR

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Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with A.S & Associates for resolution of Commercial Dispute (if any) using ADR methods. The Signing Ceremony was held on 19 June 2022 at the office of BIAC, Dhaka.
Under the MoU, The Parties have agreed to promote institutional ADR in the country and internationally. Pursuant to this, the Parties will promote the use of the Institutional ADR clause in all commercial contracts, organize joint outreach and advocacy programs, work with different stakeholders, encourage capacity building, etc.
The MoU was signed by the Chief Executive Officer of BIAC, Mr. Kaiser A. Chowdhury and the Partner of the Chamber, Mr. Ferdaus Rahman, Barrister-at-Law on behalf of their respective organizations. Also, present on the occasion were Ms. Mahbuba Rahman, General Manager, Ms. Priyanka Roy, Assistant Counsel and Ms. Khushnuma Khan, Intern from BIAC and Mr. Samsul Arefin, General Manager, A.S & Associates.

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