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BASIS celebrates the National Mourning Day in a different way

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Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) celebrated the 48th martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. On Friday, August 25, 2023, a stage drama named ‘Neta je raat a nihoto holen’ (The night the leader was killed) was staged at the Liberation War Museum, Agargaon, Dhaka, based on the story of Prominent fiction writer and dramatist Imdadul Haque Milan, and the drama was directed by Rezanur Rahman.

Posts and Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar, Cultural Affairs Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League Ashim Kumar Ukil, MP, Prominent fiction writer and dramatist Imdadul Haque Milan, Director of the drama Rezanur Rahman were present at the event. BASIS President Russell T. Ahmed presided over the programme.

Post and Telecommunication Minister Mustafa Jabbar said, “I am surprised that an IT-based association like BASIS is commemorating Bangabandhu’s martyrdom anniversary in a cultural way. Undoubtedly, this effort deserves appreciation. BASIS could have observed the national mourning day by holding only a discussion if they wanted.  BASIS was supposed to work with software, but BASIS today has proved that the capabilities of the people of Bangladesh do not need any specific definition.”

“Cultural arena is the strongest foundation in Bangladesh. BASIS has taken an exceptional and amazingly beautiful initiative to remember Bangabandhu which is not normally thought of in IT sector. In order to build Bangabandhu’s golden Bangladesh, all sectors including ICT, cultural arena must work hand in hand”, he added.

Culture Affairs Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League, Asim Kumar Ukil said, “I specially thanked BASIS and theater troupe Ethic for staging such a beautiful drama based on the life and work of Bangabandhu. I want this drama to reach the next generation, to the common people of Bangladesh so that they can know Bangabandhu, can practice Bangabandhu.”

Prominent fiction writer and dramatist Imdadul Haque Milan said, in 1990, I wrote this drama. At that time today’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina praised me, from which I got more courage and inspiration. This drama is as emotional as it is inspirational for me.”

BASIS President Russell T. Ahmed said, “Bangabandhu should not be loved only one day, Bangabandhu should be loved every day, Bangabandhu should be practiced every day. If Bangabandhu is introduced to the new generation, the practice of Bangabandhu’s ideals will increase. It will be helpful to advance the new generation in the spirit of the liberation war. BASIS is working closely with the government to implement Smart Bangladesh, but in today’s exceptional initiative, the purpose of staging this drama is to spread Bangabandhu’s principles and ideals along with cultural practices among all of our BASIS family.”

However, Sukarna Hasan is the role of Ratan Majhi in the main character of the drama. Other artists were– Moni Kanchan, Mintu Sardar, Hasan Rizvi, Azim Uddin, Monirul Haque Jhalak, Tariqul Rimon, SP Khan Shaon, Regina Rooney, Mahfuz Afnan Apsra, Pradeep Kumar and Rubel. The drama is Ethic’s 12th production.

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