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Mastering the Art of Communication in Banking

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  • Rezaur Rahman Rizvi

The banking profession is often considered one of the most sophisticated jobs. Since there is no alternative to banking services in people’s daily needs, this profession is also considered as a means of service. Just as a banker is seen with respect in society and the nation, the value of their family life is also enriched with the various opportunities, facilities, and financial stability provided by the bank. Therefore, the attraction to enter the banking profession has always been and will continue to be present.

The activities of a bank are not confined to just cash or financial transactions. Each bank has numerous programs, many of which are more crucial than financial transactions. Starting from playing a direct role in income and expenditure to contributing to the expansion of a businessman’s business, the importance of the bank is indispensable. However, the choice of which bank people will choose from the multitude of banks mainly depends on their trust, dependence, acceptability, and reputation towards that particular bank. In this context, the department that plays the most crucial role in a bank is the Communication Department.

What is the Banking Communication Department?

Every branch, subsidiary, or agent of any bank primarily provides financial or equivalent services to customers through Banking Communication. The comprehensive activities of these branches, subsidiaries, or agent banking are monitored through the main branch of the bank. Various tasks are systematically carried out through different departments in the main branch. One of these departments is the Communication Department.

What does the Banking Communication Department do?

Almost every bank now has its own dedicated Communication Department. This department is primarily responsible for the promotion and publicity of the bank. In addition to this, the Communication Department plays a direct role in the promotion of any new schemes introduced by the bank. There is also a direct involvement of the Communication Department in the promotion of the bank through various national and international days, greetings and news releases, and advertisements. The Communication Department is indispensable in maintaining a consistent image in the bank’s various prints and publications.

Who works in the Banking Communication Department?

The Banking Communication Department is a specialized department. Here, direct customer service is not provided. However, those with experience in advertising and publicity primarily work in the Banking Communication Department. Since they have to work directly with the mass media, people with experience in journalism and long-term journalism are given priority in this department. Currently, most of those working in the Banking Communication Department of many banks have come from a journalism background. In addition to journalism, those with expertise in brand communication and design also have opportunities to work in the Communication Department.

Challenges in the Banking Communication Profession:

The banking communication profession comes with many challenges. Professionals in banking communication always have to work closely with the top management of the bank. If there is a mistake in their work, it can lead to significant damage to their career as they always have to work with the top management of the bank. Daily new challenges and work pressures are inevitable. Even on holidays, they may have to respond promptly to work-related matters. Overall, those employed in the Banking Communication Department need to be prepared for official work at any time.

Why choose a career in Banking Communication?

In the job market, a career in banking communication is one of the top choices for job seekers. When you get a job in this sector, you not only gain financial stability, but you also enjoy various opportunities and facilities as an employee of the organization. A banker, working in the banking communication profession, can build a good future for their family and children. Additionally, a banker receives special respect socially. Therefore, entering the profession of banking communication not only brings various benefits like other bankers but also provides extra benefits.

Before starting a career in Banking Communication:

Before getting employed in the banking communication profession, some preparation is necessary. Let’s say you are going to start working in the banking communication profession. It is necessary to have some basic understanding of writing press releases and news articles about the bank. In this case, you can regularly read news published in various media and economic pages of daily newspapers to gain a thorough understanding. Also, consider how the bank’s communication department handles the publication of various kinds of advertisements and promotional materials. Since social media is managed under the banking communication department, having some knowledge about digital marketing is essential. You can find many free or paid courses online, including Google and various tutorials on YouTube. Learning about public relations and enhancing communication with journalists, especially reporters covering economic issues and organizations can also be beneficial, providing you with extra benefits in the workplace.

How to enter the Banking Communication profession?

Throughout the year, many banks advertise vacancies for their communication departments through newspapers or online job sites. In such cases, although age is not crucial, experience is given the utmost importance. If you have experience working in any other organization in the communication profession or have a long career in journalism, you may have an advantage when entering the banking communication profession. Having a third division or equivalent grade beyond the highest degree of a university is also essential in this case. Finally, during the interview, the candidate’s intelligence and adaptability are given the most importance. Overall, if you are suitable for a career in banking communication, you can enjoy extra benefits such as promotions and increments at a faster rate.


Author: Rezaur Rahman Rizvi, Senior Executive Officer & Deputy Head, Public Relations Department, National Bank Limited

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