11 students from the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh have completed their Duke of Edinburgh Award journey and received their Gold awards and certificates.
Lt Col Md. Foyzul Islam (Retd), Registrar of ULAB, represented ULAB at the event along with Moinak Kanungo, Award Coordinator and Faculty at ULAB, and Abu Bakar Siddik, Award Leader of The Duke of Edinburgh Award Program at ULAB.
Abdullah Sorowar Alif, Asif Faiyed, Ishtiaque Anowar, Md. Azizul Islam Tuhin, Anika Tahsin Sababa, Nuzhat Nuyeri, Ushrat Rahman, Nayeef Ahsan, Sadia Tabassum, Tajreen Ferdoush and Sabbir Ahmed were recognized for their dedication and achievement.