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ULAB Observes Martyred Intellectuals Day and Victory Day

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The University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh held two virtual events, one on December 14 in remembrance of martyred intellectuals of Bangladesh, and on December 16, celebrating 50 years of victory, on Victory Day.

Mr. Akku Chowdhury, valiant freedom fighter and a founding trustee member of the Liberation War Museum, was the keynote speaker at the Victory Day event. Speaking at the event, Mr. Chowdhury said “we fought to ensure the freedom of all citizens, irrespective of their race, religion and gender. It is time for us to reflect whether we have truly been able to establish that freedom today. During the war, our weapon we fought with guns, but today the weapon for moving forward is technology. He also said, We have to stand out in the modern world by utilizing the benefits of Digital Bangladesh that Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has given to you all.

Highlighting the need for the world to change for the better, Mr. Chowdhury also said, due to colonial exploitation of the West for hundreds of years, we have lagged behind, but now we have to keep in mind the need to proactively move forward, and undo take care of people, planet and society by instilling within ourselves the value for development, and not destruction.

In his introductory speech, ULABs Vice-Chancellor, Professor Imran Rahman highlighted the country’s achievements in the fiftieth year of the great victory. “We have built a prosperous country in the last fifty years,” he said. The task of bringing the country to the peak of prosperity in the next fifty years must be done by the youth of our society.”

ULABs Pro-Vice-Chancellor,Professor Shamsad Mortuza, PhD, said at the time of independence, about eighty percent of the people of Bangladesh were below the poverty line. Today that has completely changed. Eighty percent of the population now live above the poverty line. But we cannot avoid our responsibility to the remaining 20 percent of people who still live below the poverty line.”

On December 14, Dr. Md. Fazle Rabbi and Dr. Jahanara Rabbi’s daughter, Dr. Nusrat Rabbi was the keynote speaker of the program ‘Remembering Martyred Intellectuals, The Spirit of 1971: A Discussion’

ULAB Board of Trustees member Ms. Ameena Ahmed, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Imran Rahman, and Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Samsad Maturja spoke on the occasion. In their speeches, they all highlighted the irreparable loss the country has had, due to the killings of the martyred intellectuals. They all thanked Dr. Nusrat Rabbi for her presenting her fathers story through her book for the entire country to know and appreciate.

Dr. Nusrat Rabbi reflected on the ultimate “sacrifices and strides made by the relentless champions of the first few decades of the nation and the martyrs for the cause of Bangladesh” with reference to her book, “The Spirit of 1971: A Memoir.”

Both the event was attended by ULABs Treasurer, the Registrar, Deans, Department Heads,faculty members, officials, and students of ULAB.

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