Friday, July 26Dedicate to Right News

This long weekend, travel hassle-free to your hometown

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One of the major religious festivals of Muslims, Eid-e-Miladunnabi, falls on Thursday this year. After that, we have the weekly holidays of Friday and Saturday, which leaves us with a long weekend. Sabbir, an employee at a private company, wanted to visit his ancestral home in Chattogram this long weekend. But as a result of taking the decision at the last minute, it was found that train and bus ticketswere not available.

To save yourself from such hassles like Sabbir, you can opt for affordable, convenient, and safe Uber Intercity. At the touch of a button, you get a reliable means of getting out of town at an affordable rate. You will have the opportunity to keep the Uber car with you for up to 10 hours with this service.After pick-up from Dhaka metropolis, this service will be available in each of the 8 divisions of the country. If you want to travel with a group of up to 4 people, choose Uber Intercity. And for larger groups of up to 8 people, Uber Intercity XL is perfect for you.

Additionally, with Uber, safety comes first. These trips can be tracked with GPS, so quick response is possible in case of safety concerns. There is also a ‘Safety Toolkit’ and a 24×7 helpline. So using Uber is safer compared to using traditional vehicles.

To spend a holiday peacefully, you need to have a safe and hassle-free travel option. Uber is there for you to meet that need.

How it works:

  • Open your Uber app & enter your destination. Now you’ll be able to see the Uber Intercity option pop up on your screen
  • Once everything looks good, tap request
  • Remember, your Intercity ride is payable by cash only
  • Tolls & parking charges if any, payable directly in cash
  • You can keep your Uber with you for as long as 10 hours
  • And off you go!

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