Wednesday, July 24Dedicate to Right News

Tag: Why ‘designated smoking area’ in restaurants?

Why ‘designated smoking area’ in restaurants?

Why ‘designated smoking area’ in restaurants?

Rezaur Rahman Rizvi You went to the restaurant with your family. Suddenly you noticed that there was a closed room inside the restaurant as a 'designated place' for smoking. The smokers who come to the restaurant there smoke and hang out. Many non-smoking friends or relatives gossip in that room. However, even though the place is set aside for smoking, the smoke and smell of smoking can be found all over the restaurant. Because whenever someone enters or exits that room, the smoke and smell of smoke come out with it. The subject is very uncomfortable for those who do not smoke. And there is the issue of the harm of secondhand smoke. Educational Institutions, Government Offices, Semi-Government Offices, Autonomous Offices and Private Offices, Libraries Elevator, Covered Workplace ...