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The ULAB Literary Salon Launched

The ULAB Literary Salon Launched

Breaking News, Education
The Department of English and Humanities at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh kicked off a one-of-a-kind university-based literary adda, The ULAB Literary Salon, on May 14, 2022. The inaugural event featured a father-daughter poet duo, both of whom are ULABians. Professor ShamsadMortuza, Pro Vice-Chancellor, ULAB, and Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, and his daughter, ArshiMortuza, Lecturer in Englishat Southeast University, recited poetry and discussed what inspires them to write and create. Presided over by Professor Kaiser Haq, poet, critic, academic, and mentor to the ULAB Literary Salon, the event was moderated by Sudeep Chakravarti, writer, researcher, and Associate Professor at the Department of Media Studies and Journalism, and the Department of English and H...