Monday, February 10Dedicate to Right News

Tag: Rakuten Viber

CEO Ofir Eyal leads Viber to super app category with launch of Payments service

CEO Ofir Eyal leads Viber to super app category with launch of Payments service

Breaking News, Technology
New Rakuten Viber Chief Executive Officer Ofir Eyal is bringing the popular communications app to the fintech category as it’s determined to offer users more than its core messaging and calling features, a critical move to fulfill its vision of becoming a super app. Viber is set to roll out the in-app Payments service, allowing users to create a digital wallet within the platform. Payments wallets can be linked to bank accounts as well as Visa and Mastercard to transfer money to other individuals, buy products, and pay for bills. Viber will first introduce peer-to-peer transfers, which will be available to users for free. The service will be available in Germany and Greece later this summer, during the first period, Viber will gather user feedback necessary to further improve the product ...