Friday, February 14Dedicate to Right News

Tag: Praava Health resumes serving Patients

Praava Health resumes serving Patients

Praava Health resumes serving Patients

Breaking News, Health
On August 24 Praava Health has resumed all services immediately to serve its Patient base after being temporarily suspended by DGHS on August 2, 2021. Praava has at all times since our founding in 2017 been in compliance with the guidelines and policy directives issued by DGHS and international standards of clinical quality. During the course of an investigation and inspection in July, DGHS made minor oral recommendations to Praava, none of which were related to Praava’s clinical quality or the medical care we provide. The recommendations included: Praava not having separate areas for donning and doffing, charging BDT150 registration fee for traveler’s COVID testing, signing of COVID tests not being done by MBBS doctor, and listing WHO as a partner on the company’s website. All of ...