Wednesday, January 22Dedicate to Right News

Tag: Grameenphone employees joined hands to support Dakche Abar Desh

Grameenphone employees joined hands to support Dakche Abar Desh

Grameenphone employees joined hands to support Dakche Abar Desh

Breaking News, National
Over 33,300 families have been financially facilitated with efforts from Grameenphone as a first respondent to the cause "Dakche Abar Desh", a Covid response initiative by BRAC. In addition, Grameenphone employees also stepped forward in solidarity with this cause and contributed individually from their monthly salary on top of GP's contribution. The initiative is a part of a series of Grameenphone's "COVID-19 Response", which plans to tackle the grave impact of the pandemic and help societies, primarily to aid the deeply impacted segment due to lockdown. "Dakche Abar Desh" (translated as "Bangladesh Calls Again") has been one such activity designed to stand beside the vulnerable families living in poverty and surviving on daily wages since the inception of the outbreak. Tech...