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Tag: “A Father’s Diary” to the world premiere in Dhaka International Festival

“A Father’s Diary” to the world premiere in Dhaka International Festival

“A Father’s Diary” to the world premiere in Dhaka International Festival

Breaking News, Entertainment
Canadian director Golam Mustofa's feature film “A Father’s Diary” will premiere at the 20th Dhaka International Film festival (DIFF). Cinema lovers attending this prestigious event will have the opportunity to attend the screening of the award-winning director's film on January 15 – 23,2020 in ‘Cinema of the world section’, along with 220 films from 70 countries. Golam Mustofa's amenable mindset and his in-depth connection with Bangladeshi ethnicity are reflected in his work. Mustofa tells a story that may not be uncommon but finds muted audience if debated. The film draws the attention of worldwide critics and brings the Bangladeshi community under the spotlight. Dina and Isabelle having Bangladeshi and Italian origin are best friends and neighbors; their father's Hassan and Mar...