A movie named ‘Megher Kapat’ has been made on the story of pure love. Its producer Walid Ahmed announced that it will be released on November 3. The film’s poster was officially unveiled and the release date was announced at a convention hall at Banglamotor in the capital on Wednesday (October 25) evening.
At that time director Walid Ahmed said, that “Megher Kapat” would create a special feeling for all those who love literature a little. Especially since it is a story of this period, the audience can easily connect their thoughts with the film. And one of the most prominent features of our film is its songs. I believe every song in the movie will touch the hearts of the audience.”
Rakib Hussain Yvonne has played the role of the hero of ‘Megher Kapat’. He commented, ‘It is a pure love story. Arrogant people will learn to love again. The rain of love will fall on the viewer’s mind by shedding the cloud of resentment. So to those who want to dive into films, this is for you.’
Artists at the press conference Cindy Rowling, Sabrina Tanvi, Raju Ahsan, Afroza Momen, Zaman Saif, Rezaur Rahman Rizvi, Rehana Parveen Hussey and others also acted in this romantic film. It is jointly produced by Waleed Ahmed and Afroza Momen.