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IBFB organized a webinar

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IBFB organized a webinar
IBFB organized a webinar

A webinar titled “The Dream of Bangabandhu: Agricultural Development of Bangladesh in the Last Five Decades” was held virtually on September 02, 2021, from 11 am to 1 pm. The webinar was organized by the International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB) and sponsored by Energypac Power Generation Ltd.

Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, graced the webinar as Chief Guest whereas Prof. Dr. Shahidur Rashid Bhuiyan, Vice-Chancellor, Sher -E- Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) were also present at the webinar as Special Guest. Prof. Dr. Jahangir Alam, Vice-Chancellor, University of Global Village (UGV) presented the keynote paper in the webinar. Humayun Rashid, President, IBFB & Managing Director & CEO, Energypac Power Generation Ltd., presided over the ceremony.

The webinar has thrown light on pertinent issues related to the developing country’s agricultural development according to the Dream of Bangabandhu. The speakers also discussed how the private sector can contribute to developing this sector.

In the welcome remarks, Mr. M.S. Siddiqui, Legal Economist & Vice President, IBFB, said, “In order to provide loans to farmers on simple terms and conditions, Bangabandhu established Bangladesh Krishi Bank. He also took measures to distribute khash lands to the landless farmers of the country. He also remitted taxes on a minimum of 25 bigha land. In 1973, he made the arrangements to rehabilitate 22 lakhs farmers. In his period, various types of low-lift pumps and deep tube wells were set up. The farmers have distributed hybrid paddy (IR-8) and wheat seeds which were then brought from Philippine.”

Agriculture Minister Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque said, “Agriculture sector is one of the key drivers of the growth of the economy of Bangladesh. This year’s GDP stood at around 13% in FY 2020-2021 for the contribution of the agricultural sector to the economy. It was Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s dream also to make Bangladesh highly developed agriculturally. As agriculture is playing an important role in reducing poverty, investors should invest more in this sector. To turn Bangabandhu’s dream into reality, GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) is mandatory and we should give our focus in the commercialization and branding of our agricultural products.”

Lt. Gen M. Harun-Ar-Rashid, Bir Protik (Retd.), Former Chief of Army Staff, Bangladesh Army & Chairman, Governmental Relation and Advocacy Committee of IBFB and Dr. F. H. Ansary, Managing Director, ACI Agri-Business spoke at the event as designated discussants. The vote of thanks was delivered by Lutfunnisa Saudia Khan, Vice President (Finance), IBFB.

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