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Huawei to Enable 500mn People to Enjoy Digital Financial Services

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At the recently organized CSD Forum 2022 of Huawei, the company reinforced its intent to increase its involvement in facilitating the operators to enable 500mn people with digital financial services. This event has involved ministers, regulators of multiple countries, and representatives of global associations.
Liang Hua, Chairman of Huawei presented his keynote in this hybrid model forum and Cao Ming, President of Huawei Wireless Solution participated in the panel discussion with other internal and external panelists.
As one of the goals by 2025, with the improved ICT infrastructure, Huawei has been working with partners to enable 500 million people to enjoy digital financial services and 500,000 people to enjoy inclusive education.
The keynote of Liang Hua represents the same. As a case of success in digital financial service, Liang shared the partnership of bKash and Huawei in launching a mobile e-wallet service and how that service enables financial inclusion in Bangladesh. Having mentioned that, Liang highlighted that we are now moving from the mobile internet era to the intelligent era. In this new era, where everything will be connected, and connectivity will be more than just a tool for convenient communications. It is not just the cornerstone of the digital economy, but a basic right for every human being.
He said, “To make this a reality, we are working more closely with industry organizations and partners in two areas. Firstly, we are working to enhance digital literacy and develop digital talent to bridge the digital divide; and secondly, we are working together to accelerate digitalization for stronger digital and real economies.”
With that perspective, Huawei has provided connectivity services to nearly 1.1 billion people and 293 million homes across 20 Asia-Pacific countries (excluding China and India). Huawei has maintained a solid track record in security throughout. In 2021, Huawei maintained more than 300,000 base stations in the region, allowing 4G network coverage to reach 97% of the population. Fixed broadband download rates now exceed 110 Mbit/s in the region, an increase of 17% over the previous year.
And in Bangladesh, Huawei took charge of Phase 3 of the Info Sarkar project that constructs infrastructure networks for the Bangladesh government. Despite the high risk of dengue during the hot rainy season, our delivery personnel persevered through subtropical forests, wetlands, and swamps, and managed to extend the government network beyond counties to 2,600 rural townships, accounting for 60% of the country’s total. This has connected many Bangladeshis living in remote areas to the rest of the world through the Internet. In late 2022, Huawei will also participate in Bangladesh’s national digital connectivity project, which includes building ICT infrastructure for government, education, and finance.

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