Centering the World Environment Day 2022, Energypac Power Generation Limited (EPGL) has recently undertaken various programs at G Gas LPG Plant, Khulna, G Gas Satellite Plant 101, Rupganj, and Energypac Industrial Park G-6, Gazipur, with an aim to maintain the ecological balance while promoting environmental sustainability and contributing to the development of the environment.
This year’s theme for World Environment Day was “Only One Earth & Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature.” The day has been celebrated throughout the world, and the country through various events organized both officially and privately.
Humayun Rashid, Managing Director & CEO, Energypac Power Generation Limited, said, “As an organization committed to environmental sustainability, Energypac Power Generation Limited has been working with utmost responsibility. We have carried out cleaning activities in the riverside areas of both our G Gas plants (Khulna’s Pasur River and Narayanganj’s Shitalakshya River) while also undertaking tree plantation programs within all our plants as efforts to contribute to maintaining a healthy environmental balance.”
At the end of the program, all the officers and employees of the organization took part in a brief rally advocating environmental sustainability.