To prepare the students for the 21st century and to adapt them to the latest ICT-friendly education to enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities to fit globally, Daffodil Technical Institute (DTI) distributed Laptop today on June 18, 2022, at 71 Milonayoton of Daffodil Education Network. Agriculture Minister Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzak, MP graced the Laptop Distribution Ceremony as the Chief Guest and handed over the laptops to the students. Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Founder of Daffodil Technical Institute and Chairman of Daffodil Family presided over the program. Engr. Md. Akteruzzaman, Director, Directorate of Technical Education and Mr. Mohammad Nuruzzaman, Group CEO of Daffodil Family were present as the Special Guests. Rathindranath Das, Executive Director and Principal, Moazzem Hossain Rubel, Deputy Academic Director of Daffodil Technical Institute and Shanto Kumar Das-a Laptop recipient also addressed in the program.
Addressing as chief guest Agricultural Minister Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, MP said that Daffodil is playing a pioneering role to fulfill the dream of the present government’s Digital Bangladesh for the last ten years. This university is providing the country with skilled human resources by educating its graduates with adequate technology-oriented knowledge besides academic education. Not only that, but Daffodil Education Network is also preparing its graduates in such a way so that they can contribute accordingly to the development of the country.
Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, MP also said, the laptop is not only an instrument for listening to songs or enjoying movies but it’s an instrument for connecting globally with skilled ICT knowledge, So he urged the student to prepare themselves to keep fit with the demand of global job market trend, he added. Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, MP urged the students to be a dreamer and be confident to fulfill their dream. Bangabandhu had a big dream and he sacrificed his level best for fulfilling his dream. That’s why we are living in a beautiful global world now. If we want to make our globe more beautiful then we will have to be a big dreamers and we will have to acquire the expertise of both soft and hard skills, He added.
Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Founder of Daffodil Technical Institute and Chairman of Daffodil Family said, one of the big challenges of Daffodil Family is to make an unemployment-free country. To face that challenge, free laptop distribution plays a vital role to eradicate unemployment. Daffodil Family believes that by using this laptop students can make themselves skilled people for future careers life.
He also said, technology is now a part and parcel of teaching and learning. He urged the students to be potential ICT skilled graduates to contribute to the nation by developing bright careers and ensuring proper utilization and application of the Laptop. It is envisaged that Daffodil graduates can stand out by competing with other graduates both nationally and globally with the skill that they will acquire from this university.
Dr. Sabur Khan said, Daffodil International University teaches every student Art of Living, Employability 360 Degree and distributes free Laptop just only to prepare them as skilled and keep fit to face the challenges of the global market.