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Collaboration is vital for addressing climate change and achieving adaptation goals: Environment Secretary

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Environment Forest and Climate Change Secretary Dr. Farhina Ahmed said collaboration and coordination are key to effectively addressing climate change impacts and achieving adaptation goals. Partnerships and knowledge sharing are emphasized to enhance adaptation actions while avoiding duplication and reporting burdens. Bangladesh plans to contribute to the development of indicators, establish early warning systems, implement adaptation plans, and establish monitoring systems. The synergies between NAPs and the GGA are explored to enhance adaptation efforts and demonstrate progress.

Environment Secretary said this while addressing in a technical session titled ASSESSING RICHNESS AND GAPS TOWARDS THE Global Goals Adaptation (UNEP) in Green View room in BICC, Dhaka on 25 April, Thursday in the on-going NAP Expo 2024.

Dr Farhina Ahmed said the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is crucial for aligning adaptation actions with the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA). Although challenges exist, such as concluding negotiations before formulating NAPs, countries like Bangladesh are committed to aligning their adaptation efforts with the GGA. COP 28 concluded the Glasgow Sharm el Sheikh Work Programme on GGA and adopted a framework for the global goal on adaptation. A two-year work program on indicators for measuring progress towards GGA targets was decided upon, with Bangladesh aiming for its adoption at COP 30.

Gwyn Lewis, UN Resident Coordinator, Bangladesh; Mozaharul Alam, Regional climate change coordinator, UNEP, Vanessa Villegas- Carriedo, UNEP; Arfan Uzzaman, National Climate Change Expert, FAO, Bangladesh; Azan Mohamed – Maldives and Jose Vitale; Jose Luiz Onofre also spoke in the occasion.

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