Eleven automechanic students, graduated from Japan Automechanic School (JAS) in Dhaka, are all set to leave for Japan to start their career as automechanics. These students of the fifth graduating class of the school are leaving for Japan soon. Two students went from the fourth graduating class. Next graduating class is waiting to send all the graduates.
These students received two years of simultaneous training in automechanics and Japanese language by the school established by Japan Automechanic Ltd. (JAL) – a Social Business joint venture created by SK Dream of Japan and Grameen Shikkha, an organization founded by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus.
The graduation ceremony of the students of the last batch was held at Telecom Bhaban, Mirpur, Dhaka on 14 March 2023. The ceremony was chaired by Professor Yunus, Chairman of JAL. Mr. Tsuneaki Hirao, Managing Director of Japan Automechanic Ltd. and Managing Directors of different Grameen companies attended the ceremony. Family members of the graduating students also attended the program. At the ceremony all students made speeches in fluent Japanese language. They were taught by Japanese teachers. They spoke about their training, aspirations and future plans. All of the students have already been selected under the TITP (Technical Intern Training Program) – an overseas workers employment opportunity in Japanese companies under the recently promulgated Technical Intern Training Act of Japan Government – and have got jobs in different automobile companies in Japan. Two JAS graduates are already working in a Mercedes Benz Dealership company in Japan. Mr. Tsuneaki Hirao, Managing Director of Japan Automechanic Ltd., announced during the ceremony that from now on a group of 10-12 JAS graduates will go to Japan every year to work under TITP.
Already 46 automechanic students graduating from JAS in previous years are working in different automechanic workshops in Bangladesh including Rangs Workshop Ltd.