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Tag: Vitamin-Fortified Safe Edible Oil A Must for Public Health: Speakers at Journalists’ Workshop

Vitamin-Fortified Safe Edible Oil A Must for Public Health: Speakers at Journalists’ Workshop

Vitamin-Fortified Safe Edible Oil A Must for Public Health: Speakers at Journalists’ Workshop

Breaking News, National
Ensuring the access to vitamin-fortified safe edible oil for all is a must to safeguard public health. According to the National Micronutrient Survey 2011-12, every one out of five pre-school aged children suffers from Vitamin 'A' deficiency while every two out of five children suffer from Vitamin 'D' deficiency. In order to deal with the precarious situation, the government has already formulated and implemented the Vitamin  'A' Fortification in Edible Oil Act. However, bulk edible oil marketed in drums is still working as a hindrance to ensuring the proper implementation of the law. Panelists have shared these views today at a two-day workshop for journalists titled "Safe Vitamin Fortified Edible Oil for All: Progress, Challenges, and Way Forward", held at the BMA Bhaban in Dhaka on 23-2...