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Tag: Under-Secretary General of UN Discusses Zero Waste Programme of UN with Professor Yunus in Nairobi

Under-Secretary General of UN Discusses Zero Waste Programme of UN with Professor Yunus in Nairobi

Under-Secretary General of UN Discusses Zero Waste Programme of UN with Professor Yunus in Nairobi

Breaking News, National
The Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Habitat, Ms Maimunah Mohd. Sharif discussed Zero Waste Campaign with Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus on May 10, 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. The Under-Secretary General expressed the full commitment of the UN in achieving zero waste in the fastest possible timeframe. She welcomed Professor Yunus into the Advisory Board of Zero Waste Campaign. Professor Yunus has been recently appointed by UN Secretary General António Guterres as member of the advisory board of Eminent Persons on Zero Waste to provide leadership in the Zero Waste campaign. In his response the Nobel Laureate proposed setting up a “Social Business Zero Waste Fund” to finance initiatives to create self-sustaining local, rural, urban, regional and national businesse...