Tuesday, February 18Dedicate to Right News

Tag: To facilitate farmers in gathering their produce and ensuring fair crop prices introducing The very first Procurement Hub.

To facilitate farmers in gathering their produce and ensuring fair crop prices introducing The very first Procurement Hub

To facilitate farmers in gathering their produce and ensuring fair crop prices introducing The very first Procurement Hub

Breaking News, National
iFarmer has inaugurated their first Procurement Hub to facilitate farmers by collecting their produce and ensuring fair crop prices. The inaugural event took place today in the Birganj area of Dinajpur district. During the post-harvest period in Bangladesh, farmers face various obstacles in selling their crops. Farmers are forced to sell their hard-earned crops at a nominal price to avoid the risk of the harvest getting rotten if the buyer refuses to purchase them later. Now, farmers can conveniently sell their crops to iFarmer's Procurement Hub without worrying about incurring losses. The hub has storage facilities of around 20,000 tons. It is located in the middle of the local markets where farmers can easily reach. The procurement hub will ensure farmers make more profit by elimin...