Monday, January 20Dedicate to Right News

Tag: Remove unfair clauses for equal opportunity in public procurement

Remove unfair clauses for equal opportunity in public procurement

Remove unfair clauses for equal opportunity in public procurement

Breaking News, National
The government should remove discriminatory tax structure for the local companies to ensure level playing field for all domestic and foreign firms in the public procurement process, said speakers at seminar on 12 May, Sunday. They came up with the observations at the seminar titled “Public Procurement Act-Challenges and Opportunities’ organized by International Business Forum of Bangladesh at its conference room in city. Speaking as chief guest, State Minister for Planning Md Shahiduzzaman Sarker said the current government has introduced electronic government procurement to ensure transparency at the very primary level of procurement. “E-gp has turned the procurement process 180 degree,” he said adding that there are more ways to go in terms of transparency and accountability. The stat...