MoU signing between UIU and OSL-DU for Research Collaboration
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between United International University (UIU) and Department of Organization Strategy and Leadership, University of Dhaka (OSL-DU) for research collaboration on 03September 2023 (Sunday) at UIU Campus, United City, Madani Avenue, Dhaka- 1212.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad ShariatUllah, Chairman, Department of Organization Strategy and Leadership, University of Dhaka was present as the Chief Guest in the ceremony. Prof. Dr. Md. AbulKashem Mia, Vice Chancellor(In-Charge), United International University (UIU) was present as the Guest of Honor. Prof. Dr. M. Rezwan Khan, Executive Director of IAR & Former VC of UIUpresided over the ceremony.
The Executive Director of IAR, UIU and Chairman, Dept. of Organization Strategy and Leadership, DU signed th...