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Tag: LTU-VAT awarded Grameenphone for resolving the highest number of cases through ADR

LTU-VAT awarded Grameenphone for resolving the highest number of cases through ADR

LTU-VAT awarded Grameenphone for resolving the highest number of cases through ADR

Breaking News, Business
Grameenphone has been awarded for resolving the highest number of cases through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in FY 2020-2021. Jens Becker, CFO of Grameenphone, received the award on behalf of the company at an award-giving ceremony organized by Large Taxpayers Unit – Value Added Tax (LTU-VAT) as part of the VAT Week (December 10 to 15) celebration. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a process of resolving disputes within the shortest possible time, beyond the traditional courses of business followed by Appeal, Tribunal, and Court formalities, leading to efficiency. Following a global trend of success, tax administration in Bangladesh has introduced ADR in FY 2011-12. This year NBR is celebrating VAT Day and VAT Week to encourage people and organizations with the them...