Wednesday, September 18Dedicate to Right News

Tag: Is ‘curry’ racist?

Is ‘curry’ racist?

Is ‘curry’ racist?

Breaking News, Feature
AN ASIAN food blogger’s call to cancel the word ‘curry’ for its ties to British colonialism has sparked debate about the use of the term. Several US-based food bloggers have argued the term ‘curry’ should be boycotted due to its connotations with imperialism and racism. In a viral video earlier this month, Chaheti Bansal shared a recipe but urged people to ‘cancel the word curry’. ‘There’s a saying that the food in India changes every 100km and yet we’re still using this umbrella term popularized by white people who couldn’t be bothered to learn the actual names of our dishes,’ said Bansal, who lives in California. Fellow blogger Nisha Vedi Pawar, who has more than 38,000 followers, echoed Bansal’s sentiment. ‘It’s just like for American food,’ she said. ‘You wouldn’t want everything di...