Wednesday, January 22Dedicate to Right News

Tag: Hussin Alam: inspiration for thousands young people

Hussin Alam: inspiration for thousands young people

Hussin Alam: inspiration for thousands young people

Breaking News, Feature
Mahtab Shafi One day I dreamed that I would fly in the sky, I could not imagine that i can touch the sky. My goal is not to wander in the dreamland but to make the dream true. yes, this wards was from Hussin Alam. He is founder of British Graduate College in Wrolcaw, Poland and PhD from University of Wroclaw, Poland. We run to hear the motivation from the motivational speaker. But some people activities are motivation for other people, there speaker talk very less only focuses is work. Same today we will talk about an unconceivable boy his activities are much more than motivation. His scientific activities motivation for hundred and thousand young people. Md Hussin Alam born a poor village in Bangladesh 1991. His father is Md Moksed Molla and mothere Anoara begum and village name is...