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Tag: Grameenphone signs agreement with D24 Logistics

Grameenphone signs agreement with D24 Logistics, a former employee led startup

Grameenphone signs agreement with D24 Logistics, a former employee led startup

Breaking News, Business
Grameenphone has signed an agreement with ‘D24 Logistics Ltd’, a startup led by former employees in a bid to promote entrepreneurship, drive startup and agility culture across the organization. D24 Logistics will be primarily responsible for certain inventory & delivery management and archiving & disposal management for Grameenphone. A signing ceremony in this regard was held at GPHouse on 26 October while Jens Becker, Chief Financial Officer, Syed Tanvir Husain, Chief Human Resources Officer, and Md Ziaul Karim, Managing Director of D24 Logistics on behalf of their respective organizations were present. Yeasir Mahmood Khan, Director, Business Partner & Circle HR, K. M. Sabbir Ahmed, Head of Industrial Relations and Khairul Basher, Head of Communication of Grameenphone w...