Professor Ainun Nishat, former professor at BUET and former vice chancellor of BRAC University, delivered a talk at Southeast University (SEU) on Wednesday, 15 January, about the impact of climate change and the need for sustainable development. The event was inaugurated by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. M. Mofazzal Hossain, while the IRT Director, Prof. Dr. Abul Hasanat Alamgir, moderated it.
Professor Ainun Nishat emphasized that preserving ecosystems such as rivers, forests, and wetlands is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment and supporting people’s lives and livelihoods. He stated, “Sustainable development means finding a balance between growing the economy, helping people, and protecting the environment.” He also highlighted that universities play a significant role in promoting sustainability by educating students, researching clean energy and climate solutions, adopting eco-friendly campus practices, and engaging with communities on projects such as tree planting and water conservation. Dr. Nishat warned that if climate change continues at its current rate, Bangladesh will face critical challenges, including rising sea levels, unpredictable and extreme weather, food shortages, and displacement of people. He urged immediate and responsible action to secure a safe and sustainable future. This insightful discussion was organized by the Institute of Research and Training (IRT) at Southeast University.