Wednesday, July 24Dedicate to Right News


Diabetics patients have ways to fast safely: ACEDB

Diabetics patients have ways to fast safely: ACEDB

Breaking News, Health
Modern medical methods have made fasting easy and safe. By following some rules, diabetics patient can fast easily. On Friday (January 19, 2024) Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and Diabetologists of Bangladesh (ACEDB) informed this info in an event organized at National Press Club. The event was organized on the occasion of Dia-Ramadan Awareness Month program announced by ACEDB for the month of Rajab. In addition to the month-long program of the organization, some programs were highlighted to safely observe the fasting of diabetic patients. According to ACEDB, fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. So, fasting is a must for every adult Muslim. Research has shown that about 80 percent of diabetic patients in Bangladesh maintain fast. According to a statistic, around 50 mil...
DAM Free medical camp for early detection of cervical cancer

DAM Free medical camp for early detection of cervical cancer

Breaking News, Health
A free medical camp was held with the aim of cervical cancer screening in collaboration with the Urban Primary Health Care Project of Dhaka Ahsania Mission. A total of 40 sex workers received cervical cancer screening services from Syedabad DIC in Dhaka at that time. The program was organized as part of the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (RA) who founded the Ahsaniya Mission. Assistant Director of Dhaka Ahsania Mission (Health and WASH Sector) Dr. Naila Parveen inaugurated this event at Monday (December 4, 2013). She said, 'Women over 30 years of age, especially female sex workers, are at risk of cervical cancer. Therefore, every woman above the age of 30 and sex workers should undergo cervical cancer screening at least once every 5 years. ‘Since...
Tobacco is a serious threat to public health

Tobacco is a serious threat to public health

Rezaur Rahman Rizvi Tobacco is a product that has no good qualities; on the contrary, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a product of death. But the people of our country are not behind in the use of tobacco. On the contrary, they are hastening their deaths by consuming harmful tobacco. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2017 report, nearly half of all tobacco users die from tobacco. Tobacco is linked to six of the eight leading causes of preventable death worldwide. Tobacco users have a 57% higher risk of developing tobacco-related diseases such as heart disease, stroke, COPD, or lung cancer, and a 109% higher risk of developing other tobacco-related cancers. As a result, more than 161,000 people in Bangladesh die of diseases related to the use of tobacc...
Controlling Hypertension Crucial for Heart Health:  Speakers at World Heart Day Webinar

Controlling Hypertension Crucial for Heart Health:  Speakers at World Heart Day Webinar

Breaking News, Health
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) claim more than 20 million lives worldwide every year, with hypertension being one of the major contributing factors. The prevalence of heart disease and the number of deaths attributed to it are increasing in Bangladesh despite 80 percent of such fatalities being preventable. The risk of hypertensive heart disease can be reduced to a great extent by leading a healthy lifestyle, ensuring the supply of hypertension medicine at the grassroots level, and by increasing the budget allocation in this sector. On the occasion of World Heart Day 2023, public health experts and heart specialists highlighted these issues at a webinar titled "Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Bangladesh and Way Forward", organized by research and advocacy organization PROGGA (Knowledge for P...
Addressing Nutritional Anemia: A Call for Comprehensive Solutions

Addressing Nutritional Anemia: A Call for Comprehensive Solutions

Breaking News, Health
Raisa Mehzabeen Nutritional anemia is a pressing health issue that often goes unnoticed amidst the myriad of health concerns in our fast-paced world. This silent epidemic, primarily caused by a deficiency in essential nutrients like iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid, affects millions of people, particularly in developing countries. It is a condition that not only comprises the physical well-being of individuals but also hampers their overall quality of life. To combat this insidious problem effectively, we must recognize the situation's urgency and embrace comprehensive solutions that encompass education, nutrition, and healthcare. One of the most alarming aspects of nutritional anemia is its prevalence among vulnerable populations, including children, pregnant women, and the eld...
Expansion of mental health services at the community level is the need of the hour: DU Vice-Chancellor

Expansion of mental health services at the community level is the need of the hour: DU Vice-Chancellor

Breaking News, Health
"The biggest obstacle to the treatment and prevention of mental illness in Bangladesh is people's misconceptions about it.” Today, in the opening ceremony of the 6th Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Conference at the Senate Building of Dhaka University, the Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University, Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman said this.  He also said - the connection between body and mind is complementary to each other.  One cannot be thought of without the other.  If there is a disease in the body, medicine is needed, and if there is a disease in the mind, it also needs treatment.  He congratulated everyone on the advancement of the Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Department in the last 25 years. Also, he praised the important role played by the Clinical Psychology Department and Clinical Psychol...
Decision to provide hypertension medicine from Community Clinic to be implemented soon: CBHC Line Director at journalists’ workshop

Decision to provide hypertension medicine from Community Clinic to be implemented soon: CBHC Line Director at journalists’ workshop

Breaking News, Health
The government has recently taken a decision to include medicine for hypertension in the drug list of Community Clinic to combat hypertension, which is highly commendable. However, along with the proper implementation of this decision, the necessary budget must be allocated to ensure an uninterrupted supply of medicines at Community Clinic and Upazila Health Complex to control the growing prevalence and death from hypertension and hypertension-related non-communicable diseases.  Speakers highlighted these issues at a workshop for journalists titled “Hypertension Control in Bangladesh” held at the capital’s BMA Bhaban on Wednesday, July 19. The workshop was organized by the research and advocacy organization PROGGA (Knowledge for Progress) with support from the Global Health Advocacy Incuba...
Exclusive healthcare convenience for GPStar users at Apollo Imperial Hospitals, Chattogram

Exclusive healthcare convenience for GPStar users at Apollo Imperial Hospitals, Chattogram

Breaking News, Health
Grameenphone has recently signed an agreement with Apollo Imperial Hospitals in Chattogram to provide its GPStar customers in the commercial capital with special healthcare privileges. The agreement signing ceremony took place at the Apollo Imperial Hospital premises on May 22, 2023, further solidifying Grameenphone’s dedication to enhancing the lives of its most prestigious subscriber base. Dr. Ananth Rao, Chief Executive Officer, Apollo Imperial Hospitals, and Samrine Bokhari, Circle Business Head of Grameenphone’s Chattogram Business Circle, formalized the remarkable alliance. Manas Majumder, Head of Business Development, Apollo Imperial Hospitals and other senior officials from both organizations were also present at the ceremony. Following the agreement, GPStar customers can now...
Promoting E-cigarettes in the Name of Study on Smoking Alternatives

Promoting E-cigarettes in the Name of Study on Smoking Alternatives

Breaking News, Health
With funds from multinational tobacco companies, a vested quarter is promoting e-cigarettes and vaping products in the name of research on smoking alternatives. Association for Community Empowerment (ACE) Bangladesh, UK-based Centre for Substance Use Research (CSUR), and Enam Medical College are promoting a so-called research protocol on tobacco harm reduction among Bangladeshi diabetic patients, a study being financed by Foundation for Smoke-free World (FSFW), a Philip Morris International (PMI) sponsored front organization. These organizations have conducted such campaigns before. With patronage from the tobacco industry, such a clever campaign has been launched at a time when the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has taken the initiative to amend the tobacco control law whic...
CIS & A-PAD arranged an International Symposium on Disaster Risk Management and Building Resilience

CIS & A-PAD arranged an International Symposium on Disaster Risk Management and Building Resilience

Breaking News, Health
Community Initiative Society (CIS) and Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD) jointly organized an international symposium on “Disaster Risk Management and Building Resilience: Safer Community, Safer Society” in Dhaka on November 22, 2022, at Utshab Hall, Radisson Blu Dhaka Water Garden, Dhaka, Bangladesh The symposium was held in connection with the “Capacity Building Project for the establishment and Sustainable Management of a Multi-sector Platform for Disaster Management in Bangladesh” which is being jointly implemented by CIS and A-PAD. This international symposium was held to build up a partnership between two leading disaster management organizations CIS and A-PAD that are in a strong position to tap and establish a Multi-sector Platform in this region. This sympo...