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Tag: upay Announces New Initiatives to Enhance Customer-Centric Services

upay Announces New Initiatives to Enhance Customer-Centric Services

upay Announces New Initiatives to Enhance Customer-Centric Services

Breaking News, Business
upay, the mobile banking service of United Commercial Bank (UCB), recently held a town hall meeting at the UCB's head office in the capital's Gulshan. The meeting was attended by UCB's Chairman Sharif Zahir; Managing Director and CEO Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid; Deputy Managing Director and COO Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, along with other high officials of UCB and officials from all levels of upay. In his speech, UCB Chairman Sharif Zahir said, "Mobile banking has reached the zenith of popularity in the present digital era. Against this backdrop, upay is becoming increasingly appealing to customers. We must put united efforts to make upay even more user-friendly and popular among the masses; thus, UCB and upay teams must work in close collaboration." Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid, Managing Direct...