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Tag: Tobacco-free Bangladesh Only Achievable through Strong Tax and Price Measures

Tobacco-free Bangladesh Only Achievable through Strong Tax and Price Measures

Tobacco-free Bangladesh Only Achievable through Strong Tax and Price Measures

Breaking News, National
The existing tobacco tax structure is hardly playing any role towards achieving a tobacco-free Bangladesh. Economists, journalists, and public health experts are now calling for effective tobacco tax and price measures in the upcoming FY 2024-25. Such issues have been raised today (22 May) during a virtual roundtable titled "Tobacco-Free Bangladesh: The Need for Strong Tobacco Tax and Price Measures", organized by PROGGA (Knowledge for Progress) and Anti-Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA).   It was informed in the event that, between 2021 and 2023, the prices of essential commodities, such as sugar, potatoes, and flour (atta) have seen a hike extending from 40 to 90 percent. However, at the same time, the prices of tobacco products increased only 6 to 15 percent. This is because of the...