Wednesday, February 12Dedicate to Right News

Tag: Skill Gaps: The Hidden Barrier for Bangladeshi Migrants Abroad

Skill Gaps: The Hidden Barrier for Bangladeshi Migrants Abroad

Skill Gaps: The Hidden Barrier for Bangladeshi Migrants Abroad

Breaking News, Business
Every year, thousands of Bangladeshi workers leave their homes with dreams of a better future abroad. But for many, the journey doesn’t unfold as they hoped. A significant challenge they face is the lack of technical skills, which hampers their ability to thrive in the international job market. Rafiq, a 30-year-old from Noakhalimoved to Saudi Arabiaas a construction worker, hoping to provide a better life for his family. But reality hit hard. His lack of technical skills left him earning less than his peers from other countries.“While we were doing the same job,my coworkersearned almost double my salary. Unlike them,I was unfamiliar with most of the machinery operations used at my construction site”, Rafiq said while sharing the challenges he faced abroad due to lack of technical skill....